Saturday, March 29, 2014

Will Smith accepts Jesus exists and his Ten Commandments are for us today too.

Devon Franklin, an Adventust producer and moviemaker in Hollywood testified to Famous Actor Will Smith his faith in Jesus and why he couldn't work on Sabbath.
Will Smith actor an Oscar nominates performer and one of the biggest blockbusters action stars of all the times.
Actor of Indeependende Day, Hancook, Men in Balck and others films never thought that an Adventsit man talks to him about his faith.
Hollywood is like Sodom and gomorrah of our days but there, God has a man who fears him and obey his  commandments 
Will Smith received the Hope Message by Devon Franklin, recognizing that God really exists and his ten commandments last forever.
Glory to the Lord for lives like Devon Franklin who can talks about Jesus to many famous actors who also needs the mesaage of Hope. 


  1. We will be praying for him and his family. And I invite ur brothers and sisters to pray for them.

  2. Es una gran muestra que si se puede ser ejemplo y no quedarse callado frente a personas que realmente necesitan conocer el mensaje de salvación

  3. ~just one thing he started guarding it, our he just recived the message?

    1. Thx for ur question.. Devon Frankiln is Adventist, working as film producer. He could share Will Smith all these thruths and he accepted. I couldn´t tell that Smith is keeping the Sabbath. But He received the message. Let God works on him

  4. who was the source? who told this?... is this really true?... please, answer me... May God bless you!

    1. Thx for ur question.. It s very easy, yo can check this in youtube in all videos about Devon Franklin. He testified this i one of the most seen TV show in America with Oprah Winfrey. Thx

  5. Replies
    1. Check Devon Franklin inetrview in Oprah Winfrey show in youtube.

  6. That the Lord Jesus bless you, you have several people preaching the Sabbath respeti
