Wednesday, April 9, 2014

When God keeps silence is because He's working in you


It is early in Salt Lake City. My flight to Tucson goes within a few minutes I feel I must answer a question someone asked on my blog. Why when you need answers, God is silent ?

The simplest answer would be: " God always knows what he does. " It is precisely in the fact that " God always knows what he does, " that Christians take refuge to endure the pain that often suffocates .

Throughout the Bible we find many times when God was silent . John the Baptist, for example, died , virtually abandoned, expecting a visit from Jesus. Job went through the valley of grief and death and never told that God allowed him to suffer .

Of one thing I am sure. God loves you very much . What I want is for you to be happy and if , in spite of love , pain allows touch your life is because in its infinite wisdom, has something better in store for you . Although at this time you do not understand .

In front of my answer you may ask. What is then the value of faith? What does Jesus come into my life? Oh dear , faith does not exist for the difficulties of life disappear , but that they do not destroy you. Jesus said, "In the world you will always have sorrows , but cheer, I have overcome the world. "

An example is what happened to Peter, in the Sea of ​​Galilee . It was a dark night . There were storm, contrary winds , darkness and tidal waves . Peter and the other disciples thought they had reached the end . And they cried out to Jesus.

The Lord always appears when you cry Jesus appeared to him that night , but the storm did not disappear.

Do you mean that when Jesus appears not always the difficulties of life disappear ? Exactly .

But something extraordinary happened that night. The fear , discouragement and despair disappeared from the hearts of the disciples , Peter and timid , transformed by the power of faith , was able to walk in victory over the difficulties . That's the value of faith.

God does not want weak children. He runs to the first cry of the baby that Kemp . He wants strong Christians , like palm trees , formed in the midst of the harsh desert wind and sun.

So when God does not answer the question you ask him at the time of tears, allow God to continue to work in silence, stoning your life Emery pain to produce a beautiful diamond . You're worth more than a million diamonds . You are God's dream ! I am praying for you. God bless you .

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